A Strategic Plan Poster, otherwise known as a 'Strategic Plan on a Page', is a visual snapshot of a school's goals, initiatives and measures of success for the next three years.
High school strategic plans posters are different in appearance to primary school strategic plan posters. Regardless, each poster will be branded in a way that reflects an individual school's unique environment, story and culture. Once complete it can be displayed with pride for everyone to see.
Other areas that I help schools with include:
- Graduate Profile Diagrams and Posters
- School Learning Cycle Diagrams and Posters
- School Learning Journey Diagrams and Posters
- School Values Posters
School Strategic Plan Poster Examples
Logo Presentation Posters. Click to Enlarge.
Graduate Profile, Learning Cycle and Learning Journey Posters. Click to Enlarge.
Are you interested in a Strategic Plan Poster?
I'd love to work with you on creating one for your school. Give me a call if you'd like to explore this further.