Enner Glynn School

In 2011 that I began work with Enner Glynn School in Nelson on the creation of their new school logo design and Learning Lens graphics. I revisited the graphics recently and, five years on, they look as fresh today as they did back then.

Enner Glynn School Logo Nelson NZ

Enner Glynn School use their Learning Lens graphics to help implement their school vision. They desire to have a school of 'Amazing People' (Te Tangata Whakahirhira), which is an 'Inspiring Place' (Te Wahi Whakaara), full of 'Active Learning' (Te Ako Kakama) with an awesome future (Tihei Mauri Ora).

Here is a brief explanation that the school uses to explain each lens. See if you can spot the octopus.

EnnerGlynn Sketch

Uniting - Kotahitanga


Uniting is about being together, forging relationships through communication and meaningful connections with others. This is about being compassionate, fair, and recognising that to be part of a group, we need to give more than we take. Our graphic shows everyone uniting individually (one on one), collectively (in groups) and globally (as the whole human race) around the Earth (in this case, represented by Papatuanuku).


Understanding - Māramatanga


This about us embracing our differences. We should celebrate diversity, treasure ourselves, our uniqueness and that of others. The graphic represents people of difference sizes, shapes and colors ‘high fiving’ and enjoying each other’s company. The figure at the bottom has their arms up and feels excited about joining in and being made to feel welcomed by the others.


Belonging - Whanau Tapatahi


This is about recognizing who we are and where we come from.  Finding our place in the future through honoring our past, our culture and looking at how we contribute.  We have represented this through showing Te Tai Ihu (The prow of Maui’s waka) and Te Wheke (the Octopus) wrapping its tentacles around the waka, symbolizing safety and security. The head of the Octopus points to our location at the top of Waipounamu, The South Island.


Being - Te Wairua Pono


Being for us means living with integrity through our attitudes, showing resilience, being honest and trustworthy, while also having faith in others. Therefore, this graphic shows the figure with their hand on their hearts.


Growing - Whakatupuranga


This allows us to learn as we grow, through providing opportunities for curiosity, inquiry, creativity and fun in our learning. While we grow, we should demonstrate growing competence, achievement and reflection in our learning. Our large fern frond (Koru) demonstrates this.


Growing brings all of these lenses together.
It is the lens that encompasses all of the others.

Craig Burton School Branding Matters

Does your school use learning lenses?

A school's cultural narrative can play a huge role in shaping how these can look visually? Contact me if you would like some advice on how to represent yours.

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